Seiie Jang, Nagoya
Kristof van Laerhoven,
Darmstadt Univ. of Technology
Sang-Goog Lee, SAIT
Kenji Mase, Nagoya
Sangchul, Ahn, KIST
Hao-Hua Chu, Taiwan Univ.
Anind K. Dey, CMU
Kaori Fujinami,
Waseda Univ.
Antonio Kruger, Saarland
, Muchen
Tomas Strang, DLR.
Hideyuki Tokuda, Keio Univ.
Woontack Woo, GIST
Dates Submission Deadline
-> 30th, 2006
Acceptance Notification: July
24 ->
August 4, 2006 Final
Version: Aug.
11 -> August
24, 2006 Workshop:
September 18,
2006.09.04: ubiPCMM06
On-line Proceeding is open.
Tentative Schedule is announced.
2006.08.17: The
final manuscript upload session open
2006.08.16 : The
final manuscript template is uploaded.
2006.08.07 : The
Accepted Notification is announced.
Overview There is growing
interest in the development of personalized context-aware
applications for multi-user scenarios in ubiquitous computing (ubiComp)
environments where a user’s personalized service is harmonized with
one another without any conflicts among users, devices, services,
etc. The applications need to support seamless integration and
interaction for mobile users in heterogeneous environments through
the various emerging concept of sensing, processing, context
modeling and management. However, for achieving such seamless,
harmonious, personalized services in ubiComp environments, we first
have to solve the challenges associated with user-centric context
modeling and group context management that include context
representation, integration, reasoning, and conflict resolution in
distributed heterogeneous environments.
The first workshop which was held in ubiComp05, Tokyo, Japan had
dealt with those issues: personalized context modeling and
conflict-free context management. The personalized context modeling
is about how to provide abstractions to foster context reuse and
ease of programming, and support development of scalable, robust,
reliable and usable context-aware ubiComp applications. In addition,
conflict-free context management is about how to resolve conflicts
resulting from multi-user's simultaneous service requests in the
same space with limited resources.
In this year, ubiPCMM06 focuses on personalized
context models that seamlessly provide the adapted services along
with user’s service environment changes. In addition, this workshop
focuses on harmonious context management that resolves conflicts
resulting from multi-user’s simultaneous service requests in the
same space with limited resources. The workshop also responds to the
growing popularity of ontology principles and methods, and actively
investigates the state-of-the-art techniques, methodologies,
framework for developing killer context-aware applications in
ubiquitous computing environments.
For Papers We invite researchers from academia and industry to submit their papers. The
position papers are expected to contain a clear statement about personalized
context modeling and management for seamless and harmonious services
along with user's environment changes. The authors should clearly state their contribution and
identify open challenges. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
Formal or disciplined approaches for modeling
user-centric context |
- Semantics of
user-centric models and expressiveness of different
context modeling approaches.
- Ontology-based approaches to user-centric context
modeling and reasoning.
-Comparison of different approaches to context modeling
and reasoning, including ontology-based and alternative
approaches. |
Distribution and structuring of context information |
- Scalability,
integration and reuse of context models.
- Interoperability of context modeling approaches.
- Evolution of user-centric models and versioning
issues. |
Context reasoning and management for seamless and
harmonious services |
- Acquiring and
validating context in decision support.
- Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in context
modeling and management for decision support. |
Applications on personalized context modeling and
management |
- Everyday office/SOHO/commuting
- Home appliance control and awareness.
- Educational aspect for e-learning and u-learning.
- Empirical study on various application systems. |
Applicants will be asked to send papers to the
web paper submission system. Technical papers may be up to
pages in length, while short papers may be up to 4 pages. All papers
must follow
standard ACM style guidelines and must be submitted in pdf format.(
You can download the final manuscript template
here which is same for both oral and
poster presentation.) The final manuscript can be uploaded
Contact Please
us, if you have any questions or if you would like to take participate
in the workshop.