Dissertation :
"Implementation of Context-Aware Application Model in Smart
Environments", GIST, Gwangju, Republic of Korea, 2005
Y.Lee, SJ. Oh , Y. Suh, S. Jang, and W.
Woo, "Enhanced Framework for a Personalized User Interface based
on a Unified Context-aware Application Model for Virtual
Environments," IEICE TRANS. INF. & SYST, E90-D, NO.6, pp.
016-019, 2007. (to appear)
• S.Jang, K. Mase, K.V. Laerhoven, and S.Lee, “ UbiComp2006
Workshop, Part 1: Personalized Context Modeling and Management
for UbiComp Applications,” Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems on IEEE
Pervasive Computing, vol. 6, no, 1, pp.92-94, 2007
• S. Jang, and W. Woo, "Framework for Context-based Connection
of Applications between Real and Virtual Environments," IEICE
Trans. on Information and Systems, vol.E89-D, no.5,
pp.1694-1701, May. 2006
S.Jang, W.Woo, "ubi-UCAM:
A Unified Context-Aware Application Model ," Lecture Note
Artificial Intelligence, Vol.2680, pp. 178-189, 2003.
S.Lee, W.Woo,"cPost-it:
Context-based Information Sharing System ,"Lecture Note
Computer Science, Vol.2899, pp. 352-363, 2003.
S.Jang, J.Kim, R.S.Ramakrishna, "Framework
for Building Mobile Context-Aware Application ," Lecture
Note in Computer Science, pp. 139-150, 2001.
Domestic Journals:
Y.Lee,W.Woo, "CIVE: Context-based Interactive System for
Heterogeneous Distributed Virtual Environments," Journal
on Korea Information Science Society,2005.
S.Oh, W.Woo,"Tangible Media System using RF-Tag," Journal
on Korea Information Science Society Volume 31, pp. 1356-1363,
S.Jang, W.Woo, "Survey
of Context-awareness & Context-aware
Service Technology in Ubiquitous Computing Environment ," Korea
Institute of Information Technology Review, Vol. 1, No.1, paper ISSN
1738-0847, pp.
52-57, 2003.
S.Jang, W.Woo, "Survey
on Sensing & Context-aware Technologies
for Ubiquitous Computing Environment ," Magazine of Korea
Information Science Society, Vol.21, paper ISSN 1229-6821, pp.
18-28, 2003.
S.Jang, W.Woo,"ubi-UCAM:
A Unified Context-Aware Application Model for ubiHome ," Journal
on Korea Information Science Society (KISS):Software and Applications,
Vol.30, paper ISSN 1229-6848, pp.
550-558, 2003.
S.Jang, S.Lee, W.Woo, "Research
Activities on Smart Environment ," Magazine
of the Korean Institute of Telemetric and Electronics , Vol. 28,
pp. 1359-1371, Dec. 2001.
International Conferences:
• Z. Yu, Y. Nakamura, S. Jang, S. Kajita, and K.
Mase, "Ontology-Based Semantic Recommendation for Context-Aware
E-Learning," UIC07, Hong Kong, July 11-13, 2007 (to appear)
• S. Jang, S.Kajita, and K. Mase, "User Context Management for
Seamless and Harmonious Service in Changing Places", ISUVR'06
International Symposium on Ubiquitous VR, pp. 43-46, Yanji,
China, Jul. 16-20, 2006
S.Kajita, and K.Mase, "Context Hand-Over: Managing User Context
for Seamless Service in
Chaning Places," In Adjunct Proc. of The 4th
International Conference on Pervasive Computing,
•S.Jang, W.Woo, "Unified Context Representing User-Centric Context: Who, Where, When,
What, How and Why ," Proc. of International
Workshop ubiPCMM05, Tokoyo,
September, 2005, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073,
•S.Jang, W.Woo, "5W1H: Unified User-Centric Context ," The 7th International
Conference on Ubiquitous Computing , 2005.
•S.Jang, W.Woo, "Unified Context Describing User-Centric Situation:
Who, Where, What, When, How and Why ," The first Korea/Japan Joint Workshop
on Ubiquitous Computing & Networking Systems (ubiCNS), 2005.
C.Shin, S.Jang, W.Woo, "ubi-UCAM 2.0: A Unified Context-aware
Application Model for Ubiquitous Computing Environments,"
The first Korea/Japan Joint Workshop
on Ubiquitous Computing & Networking Systems (ubiCNS), 2005.
Y.Oh, C.Shin, W.Woo, "Introduction of
“UbiHome” Testbed," The first Korea/Japan Joint Workshop
on Ubiquitous Computing & Networking Systems (ubiCNS), 2005
•S.Jang, S.Kim, W.Woo , "When VR meets UbiComp," The Third
Young Investigator's Forum in Virtual Reality, 2005.
"CIVE:Context-based Interactive System for Distributed
Virtual Environments," Proc. of International
Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence(ICAT04), pp.215-222,2004.
"vr-UCAM: Unified Context-aware Application Module
for Virtual Reality," Proc. of International
Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence(ICAT04), pp.495-498,2004.
S.Jang, S.Lee, W.Woo, "Digital
Message Sharing System in Public Places ," Proc. of International
Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp03), pp. 177-178, Oct.
13-15, 2003.
S.Jang, N.Zhang, W.Woo, "Tangible
Media Player with embedded RF tags ," Proc. of International
Conference on Human - Computer Interaction(HCII03), pp. 666-670,
N.Zhang, S.Jang, W.Woo, "Nomadic
Tangible Music Player with RF-enabled Sticker ," Proc. of
International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence(ICAT02),
vol.12, pp. 184-185, Dec. 28, 2002.
S.Jang, S.Kajita, and
Hand-Over: Managing User-Centric Context for Personalized
Service Space,”
Proc. of the 68th Information Processing Society of Japan,
4-347, 2006
W.Woo, "Structured
Event-based Context for Context-based Services," The 15th JOINT CONFERENCE ON
S.Oh, Y.Suh, S.Jang, W.Woo, "Developing vr-UCAM for Interaction
on Distributed Virtual Environments,"
of Korea Humam Computer Interaction (KHCI), pp. 507-512, 2005
S.Oh, W.Woo,"Unified Context-aware Application Model,"Ubiquitous Computing Workshop
2005, pp. 26-31, 2005.
S.Jang, W.Woo,"Architecture
of Context based Application in Ubiquitous Computing Environment ," Proc.
of Korea Humam Computer Interaction (KHCI), pp. 346-351, Feb. 10-13,
Y.Oh, S.Jang, W.Woo, "User
Identification & Environment
Control using SmartKey ," Proc. of the 2002 Korean Signal
Processing Conference, pp. 264-267, Sep. 8, 2002.
S.Jang, W.Woo,"ePost-it:
Information Sharing System using PDA ," Proc.
of Korea Human Computer Interaction (KHCI), Feb. 2002.
S.Yae, S.Jang, R.S. Ramakrishina, W.Woo, "COMS:
Context-based Object
Management System", Proc. of Korea Humam Computer Interaction
(KHCI), Feb. 2002.