Seiie Jang

Information Technology Center, Nagoya Univ.
Chikusa, Nagoya, 464-8601 JAPAN  

Tel. +81-52-789-5910
Fax. +81-52-789-5910

lastest update: April. 20, 2007


Research Interest
Educational Background



Seiie Jang is a Post-doc in Computer Mediated Communication lab. at Nagoya University. He is interested in ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) and the research issues involved in building and evaluating ubicomp applications that impact our everyday lives. In the lab, he is responsible for context hand-over for personalized educational service space along with user's place change.

Research Interest

• User-centric Context Model
• Definition of unified context for flexible connection between sensors & application
• Framework context-aware system

Application Intelligent Environment: (Smart Home, Classroom, Car, Office)
• Personalized Service Space vs. Shared Service Space.
• Context-based Information System (cPost-it)

Human Computer Interaction:
Place-based Service Management (Context hand-Over)
• Multimodal Perceptual & Pervasive Interface


Reviewing and Committees:

Organizing for ubiPCMM07 (International Workshop on Personalized Context Modeling and Management for UbiComp Applications)
Organizing for ISUVR2007 (International Symposium on Ubiquitous VR)
Organizing for ubiPCMM06 (International Workshop on Personalized Context Modeling and Management for UbiComp Applications)

Member of the program committee TSI2006 (International Workshop on Tangible Space Initiate)
•Member of the program committee ubiPCMM05

•Reviewing for
pervasive 2006
•Reviewing for ubiComp 

•2005.10-Current (Development of fundamental software technologies for digital archives, Japan) Ubiquitous Learning Architecture for Next Generation (ULAN): implementing platform to develop future educational services which have the ability to capture the live activity of classroom and to provide that activity as context for later access and review.
•2004.03-2008.02 (SeonDo, Korea) Context-aware Agent for WearComp :
implementing an agent which can be aware of user attention through user's physiological signals and user's preferences (history). Through the extraction of user's physiological signals, the proposed system translates the signals into the preliminary context.
•2004.04-2004.12 (KIST, Korea) Study on Location-based context-aware Distributed Interaction(2/2):
 implementing the framework that provides users with personalized interface by sharing user-centric context between real and virtual environment
•2003.05-2003.12 (KIST, G05840, Korea) Study on Context-aware Distributed Interaction(1/2)
•2004.01-2004.08 (SAIT, Korea) Information Augmentation and Sharing for Interactive Devices: aPost-it (3/3):
implementing the system which enables users sharing a public place to share their experiences in terms of retrieval, display, and copying of digital messages by exploiting each user’s context
•2002.09-2003.08 (SAIT, GB00980, Korea) Study on Context-based Information Sharing for Smart Env. (2/3)
•2002.09-2003.08 (SAIT, GB00980, Korea) Study on Context-based Information Sharing for Smart Env. (1/3)
•2002.07-2003.06 (IITA, GG05200, Korea) Development of of Intelligent Pervasive Interface for Smart Home (2/2):
 implementing a test bed for applying ubiComp-technologies to home environment. The smart home supports 1) personalized services, 2) transparent services based on wearable interface, and 3) conflict-free services
•2001.07-2002.06 (IITA, GG04090, Korea) Development of of Intelligent Pervasive Interface for Smart Home (1/2)

Teaching Experience:
•Teaching Assistant, 2003 Fall, Ubiquitous&Wearable Computing (Prof. Woontack Woo), Dept. of Info.&Comm. GIST
   °Context-aware (ubi-UCAM) & Service Discovery (JINI)
•Teaching Assistant, 2002 Fall,
Ubiquitous&Wearable Computing (Prof. Woontack Woo), Dept. of Info.&Comm. GIST
   °Service Discovery (Jini Mechanism)

•2005.Oct.~Current: Post-Doc. in Nagoya Univ. Japan.
•2005.Mar.~2005.Sep.: Post-Doc. in U-VR Lab. S. Korea
UbiComp04 Student Volunteer (Sep. 7-10, Nottingham, England)
UbiComp03 Student Volunteer (Oct. 12-15, Seattle, WA, USA)
•2003.Sep.- Nov.: Special Journalist of Microsoftware Magazine-"ubiquitous computing"
   ° "
Implementation of context-aware applications" Magazine of Microsoftware (2003.11.), pp 250-256,     Special Issue #3: Smarthome project for ubiquitous computing environment
   ° "
Survey on sensing & context-aware technology" Magazine of Microsoftware (2003.10.), pp 176-181,     Special Issue #2: Smarthome project for ubiquitous computing environment
   ° "
Trend of smart home projects" Magazine of Microsoftware (2003.9), pp.175-181, Special Issue #1:     Smarthome project for ubiquitous computing environment
•2002.Jan.: Award in public subscription of thesis for activating S/W Industry in Gwangju, Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA), Gwangju, Korea
2004.Sep: The best presentation paper award in the 30th Conference of Korea Institute Science Society (KISS)  
•2001.Oct. -Current: Student member of

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Information & Communication, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Republic of Korea.
•M.S. in Computer Science, 1998.
Sogang University , Seoul, Republic of Korea.
• B.S. in Computer Science, 1996.
Sogang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea  


Doctoral Dissertation :

• "
Implementation of Context-Aware Application Model in Smart Environments", GIST, Gwangju, Republic of Korea, 2005

International Journals:
Y.Lee, SJ. Oh , Y. Suh, S. Jang, and W. Woo, "Enhanced Framework for a Personalized User Interface based on a Unified Context-aware Application Model for Virtual Environments," IEICE TRANS. INF. & SYST, E90-D, NO.6, pp. 016-019, 2007. (to appear)
• S.Jang, K. Mase, K.V. Laerhoven, and S.Lee, “ UbiComp2006 Workshop, Part 1: Personalized Context Modeling and Management for UbiComp Applications,” Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems on IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 6, no, 1, pp.92-94, 2007
• S. Jang, and W. Woo, "Framework for Context-based Connection of Applications between Real and Virtual Environments," IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, vol.E89-D, no.5, pp.1694-1701, May. 2006
• S.Jang, W.Woo, "ubi-UCAM: A Unified Context-Aware Application Model ," Lecture Note Artificial Intelligence, Vol.2680, pp. 178-189, 2003.
• S.Jang, S.Lee, W.Woo,"
cPost-it: Context-based Information Sharing System ,"Lecture Note Computer Science, Vol.2899, pp. 352-363, 2003.
• S.Jang, J.Kim, R.S.Ramakrishna, "
Framework for Building Mobile Context-Aware Application ," Lecture Note in Computer Science, pp. 139-150, 2001.

Domestic Journals:
S.Jang, Y.Lee,W.Woo, "CIVE: Context-based Interactive System for Heterogeneous Distributed Virtual Environments," Journal on Korea Information Science Society,2005.
S.Jang, S.Oh, W.Woo,"Tangible Media System using RF-Tag," Journal on Korea Information Science Society Volume 31, pp. 1356-1363, 2004 
S.Jang, W.Woo, "Survey of Context-awareness & Context-aware Service Technology in Ubiquitous Computing Environment ," Korea Institute of Information Technology Review, Vol. 1, No.1, paper ISSN 1738-0847, pp. 52-57, 2003.
S.Jang, W.Woo, "Survey on Sensing & Context-aware Technologies for Ubiquitous Computing Environment ," Magazine of Korea Information Science Society, Vol.21, paper ISSN 1229-6821, pp. 18-28, 2003.
S.Jang, W.Woo,"ubi-UCAM: A Unified Context-Aware Application Model for ubiHome ," Journal on Korea Information Science Society (KISS):Software and Applications, Vol.30, paper ISSN 1229-6848, pp. 550-558, 2003. 
S.Jang, S.Lee, W.Woo, "Research Activities on Smart Environment ," Magazine of the Korean Institute of Telemetric and Electronics , Vol. 28, pp. 1359-1371, Dec. 2001.  

International Conferences:
• Z. Yu, Y. Nakamura, S. Jang, S. Kajita, and K. Mase, "Ontology-Based Semantic Recommendation for Context-Aware E-Learning," UIC07, Hong Kong, July 11-13, 2007 (to appear)
• S. Jang, S.Kajita, and K. Mase, "User Context Management for Seamless and Harmonious Service in Changing Places", ISUVR'06 International Symposium on Ubiquitous VR, pp. 43-46, Yanji, China, Jul. 16-20, 2006
S.Jang, S.Kajita, and K.Mase, "Context Hand-Over: Managing User Context for Seamless Service in Chaning Places," In Adjunct Proc. of The 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing,  pp.73-78, 2006
S.Jang, W.Woo, "Unified Context Representing User-Centric Context: Who, Where, When, What, How and Why ," Proc. of International Workshop ubiPCMM05, Tokoyo, September, 2005, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, online
S.Jang, W.Woo, "5W1H: Unified User-Centric Context ," The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing , 2005.
S.Jang, W.Woo, "Unified Context Describing User-Centric Situation: Who, Where, What, When, How and Why ," The first Korea/Japan Joint Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing & Networking Systems (ubiCNS), 2005.
Y.Oh, C.Shin, S.Jang, W.Woo, "ubi-UCAM 2.0: A Unified Context-aware Application Model for Ubiquitous Computing Environments," The first Korea/Japan Joint Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing & Networking Systems (ubiCNS), 2005.
S.Jang, Y.Oh, C.Shin, W.Woo, "Introduction of “UbiHome” Testbed," The first Korea/Japan Joint Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing & Networking Systems (ubiCNS), 2005
S.Jang, S.Kim, W.Woo , "When VR meets UbiComp," The Third Young Investigator's Forum in Virtual Reality, 2005.
• S.Jang,Y.Lee,W.Woo, "
CIVE:Context-based Interactive System for Distributed Virtual Environments,"  Proc. of International  Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence(ICAT04), pp.215-222,2004.
• Sh.Lee,Y.Lee,S.Jang,W.Woo, "
vr-UCAM: Unified Context-aware Application Module for Virtual Reality,"  Proc. of International  Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence(ICAT04), pp.495-498,2004.
• S.Jang, S.Lee, W.Woo, "
Digital Message Sharing System in Public Places ," Proc. of International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp03), pp. 177-178, Oct. 13-15, 2003.
• S.Jang, N.Zhang, W.Woo, "
Tangible Media Player with embedded RF tags ," Proc. of International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction(HCII03), pp. 666-670, 2003.
• N.Zhang, S.Jang, W.Woo, "
Nomadic Tangible Music Player with RF-enabled Sticker ," Proc. of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence(ICAT02), vol.12, pp. 184-185, Dec. 28, 2002.

Domestic Conferences:
S.Jang, S.Kajita, and K.Mase,
Context Hand-Over: Managing User-Centric Context for Personalized Service Space, Proc. of the 68th Information Processing Society of Japan,  4-347, 2006
S.Jang, W.Woo, "Structured Event-based Context for Context-based Services," The 15th JOINT CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION(JCCI2005), pp. 56, 2005.
Y.Lee, S.Oh, Y.Suh, S.Jang, W.Woo, "Developing vr-UCAM for Interaction on Distributed Virtual Environments," Proc. of Korea Humam Computer Interaction (KHCI), pp. 507-512, 2005
S.Jang, S.Oh, W.Woo,"Unified Context-aware Application Model,"Ubiquitous Computing Workshop 2005, pp. 26-31, 2005.
S.Jang, W.Woo,"Architecture of Context based Application in Ubiquitous Computing Environment ," Proc. of Korea Humam Computer Interaction (KHCI), pp. 346-351, Feb. 10-13, 2003. 
Y.Oh, S.Jang, W.Woo, "User Identification & Environment Control using SmartKey ," Proc. of the 2002 Korean Signal Processing Conference, pp. 264-267, Sep. 8, 2002.
S.Jang, W.Woo,"ePost-it: Information Sharing System using PDA ," Proc. of Korea Human Computer Interaction (KHCI), Feb. 2002.
S.Yae, S.Jang, R.S. Ramakrishina, W.Woo, "COMS: Context-based Object Management System", Proc. of Korea Humam Computer Interaction (KHCI), Feb. 2002.

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