

  • 湯浅辰丸,鳥海不二夫,平山高嗣,榎堀優,間瀬健二 “戦略学習がGARCH効果に及ぼす影響のシミュレーションと分析”, 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) , vol.133, no. 9, pp.177-1728. (2013.09).
  • 臼井翔平,鳥海不二夫,平山高嗣,榎堀優,間瀬健二 “なぜ震災後デマが拡散したのか~ネットワーク構造の影響分析~”,電気学会
  • Takatsugu Hirayama, Kenji Mase, Kazuya Takeda, “Analysis of Temporal Relationships between Eye-Gaze and Peripheral Vehicle Behavior for Detecting Driver Distraction”, International Journal of Vehicular Technology
  • 榎堀優, 間瀬健二, “ウェアラブルセンサを用いた熟練指導員のヤスリがけ技能主観評価値の再現”, 人工知能学会論文誌 28(4), pp.391-399, 2013
  • 朝倉淳,平山高嗣,丸谷宜史,加藤ジェーン,間瀬健二,”多視点映像の視聴履歴を用いた視点遷移予測モデル”,人工知能学会論文誌,Vol. 29,No. 1,pp.207-212 (2014)
  • Yu Wang,Jien Kato,Kenji Mase,”Summarizing Nursery School Surveillance Videos by Distance Metric Learning”,Journal of information Processing,22(1),56-66
  • 加藤ジェーン,白須遼,王彧,間瀬健二,”多くの画像が共有する「一般クラス」に着目した訓練画像の選択”,情報処理学会論文誌,55(1),542-552


  • Shohei Usui, Fujio Toriumi, Masato Matsuo, Takatsugu Hirayama, Yu Enokibori, and Kenji Mase, “Proposal for a generalized Network Growth Model of Social Network Service”, THe Fifth International Workshop on Emergent Intelligence on networked Agents (WEIN’2013), May 2013.
  • Ryo Shirasu, Jien Kato, Yu Wang and Kenji Mase, “Common Class Information based Efficient Training Data Selection for Photo Categorization”, IAPR International Conference On Machine Vision Applications (MVA2013), Kyoto, Japan, 2013.5.
  • Tomoko Yonezawa, Noriko Suzuki, Kenji Mase, Kiyoshi Kogure, “Appearance and Physical Presence of Anthropomorphic Media in Parallel with Non-face-to-face Communication”, 1st International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction,(HAI2013), August 7-9, 2013 Sapporo, Japan.
  • Masataka Mori, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takatsugu Hirayama, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda, “Analysis of Lane Change Maneuvers Based on Driver Gaze and Vehicle Operation Behavior”, International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention (DDI 2013), 2013.8.
  • Shohei Usui, Fujio Toriumi, Takatsugu Hirayama, and Kenji Mase, “Analysis of Influential Features for Information Diffusion”, SocialCom 2013.(interactive)
  • Yu Enokibori, Akihisa Suzuki, Hirotaka Mizuno, Yuuki Shimakami and Kenji. Mase, “E-Textile Pressure Sensor Based on Conductive Fiber and Its Structure,” In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2013), pp. 207-210, 2013.9.
  • Yu Enokibori, Yoshu Ito, Akihisa Suzuki, Hirotaka Mizuno, Yuuki Shimakami, Tsutomu Kawabe and Kenji Mase, “SpiroVest: An e-Textile-Based Wearable Spirometer with Posture Change Adaptability,” In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2013), pp. 203-206, 2013.9.
  • Takashi Bando, Masumi Egawa, Hiroyuki Okuda, Hitoshi Terai, Takatsugu Hirayama, Chiyomi Miyajima, Daisuke Deguchi, Katsuhiko Kaji, Kazuya Takeda, Tatsuya Suzuki, “Repressing Overtrust: Driver Cooperated Driving Support Systems,” The 2nd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward Zero Traffic Accidents (FAST-zero’13),2013.9.
  • Masataka Mori, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takatsugu Hirayama, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda, “Comparison of Lane Change Behavior of Expert and Non-Expert Drivers,” The 2nd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward Zero Traffic Accidents (FAST-zero’13), 2013.9.
  • Masataka Mori, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takatsugu Hirayama, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda, “Integrated Modeling of Multiple Driving Behavior Signals to Estimate Risk Level of Lane Change Maneuvers”, The 6th Biennial Workshop on Digital Signal Processing for In-Vehicle Systems, 2013.9.
  • Kentaro Hitomi, Takashi Bando, Masumi Egawa, Hiroyuki Okuda, Hitoshi Terai, Takatsugu Hirayama, Chiyomi Miyajima, Daisuke Deguchi, Katsuhiko Kaji, Kazuya Takeda, and Tatsuya Suzuki, “Toward Well-Balanced Man-Machine Cooperation in Vehicle”, The 6th Biennial Workshop on Digital Signal Processing for In-Vehicle Systems, 2013.9.
  • Masataka Mori, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takatsugu Hirayama, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda, “Integrated Modeling of Driver Gaze and Vehicle Operation Behavior to Estimate Risk Level During Lane Changes”, ITSC 2013, 2013.10.
  • Yusuke Tanaka, Takashi Bando, Masumi Egawa, Hiroyuki Okuda, Hitoshi Terai, Takatsugu Hirayama, Chiyomi Miyajima, Daisuke Deguchi, Katsuhiko Kaji, Kazuya Takeda, and Tatsuya Suzuki, “Toward the Development of a Driving Support System for Repressing Overtrust and Overreliance”, ITS World Congress, 2013.10.
  • Fumiharu Tomiyasu, Takatsugu Hirayama, and Kenji Mase, “Wide-range Feature Point Tracking with Corresponding Point Search and Accurate Feature Point Tracking with Mean-Shift,” The Workshop on Recent Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(RACVPR2013), interactive presentation, pp. 907-911, Loisir Hotel, Okinawa, Japan, (November 5th, 2013).
  • Atsushi Iwatsuki, Takatsugu Hirayama, Kenji Mase “Analysis of Soccer Coach’s Eye Gaze Behavior”, ASVAI 2013.
  • Kensho Hara, Takatsugu Hirayama, and Kenji Mase, “Simultaneous Action Recognition and Localization Based on Multi-View Hough Voting”, ACPR 2013.
  • Takafumi Suzuki, Jien Kato, Yu Wang, and Kenji Mase, “Domain Adaptive Action Recognition with Integrated Self-training and Feature Selection”, ACPR 2013, Loisir Hotel, Okinawa, Japan, (November 7th, 2013).
  • Guanwen Zhang, Jien Kato, Yu Wang, and Kenji Mase, “Adaptive Metric Learning in Local Distance Comparison for People Re-identification”, The 2nd Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR’13), Okinawa, Japan (Nov 5-8, 2013).
  • Yu Enokibori, Akihisa Suzuki, Hirotaka Mizuno, Yuuki Shimakami, Tsutomu Kawabe and Kenji Mase, “An e-Textile-based Wearable Spirometer and Its Adaptability for Context Changes Depending on Sweat and Meal,” IEEE 24th International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, pp.93-97, 2013.10.
  • Takatsugu Hirayama, Takafumi Marutani, Daishi Tanoue, Shogo Tokai, Sidney Fels, Kenji Mase, “Agent-assisted Multi-viewpoint Video Viewer and Its Gaze-Based Evaluation”, The 6th Workshop on Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction, 2013.12.
  • Guanwen Zhang, Jien Kato, Yu Wang, and Kenji Mase, “People Re-identification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network”, The 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2014), Lisbon, Portugal (Jan 5-8, 2014).
  • Masataka Mori, Chiyomi Miyajima, Takatsugu Hirayama, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda, ”Use of Driver Gaze Information for Detecting Risky Lane Changes”, RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, 2014. 3.
  • Michimasa Inaba, Naoyuki Iwata, Fujio Toriumi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Yu Enokibori, Kenichi Takahashi, Kenji Mase, “Constructing a Non-task-oriented Dialogue Agent using Statistical Response Method and Gamification”, International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2014. 3.
  • Yuki Muramatsu, Takatsugu Hirayama and Kenji Mase, “Video Generation Method Based on User’s Tendency of Viewpoint Selection for Multi-view Video Contents”, The Fifth Augmented Human International Conference (AH 2014), Kobe, Japan (Mar 7-9, 2014).
  • Toshiya Ohira, Takatsugu Hirayama, Shohei Usui, Shota Sato and Kenji Mase, “Top-down Visual Attention Computational Model Using Visual Feature Distribution of Search Target”, 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2014), Bielefeld, Deutschland (Mar 3-6, 2014).
  • Michimasa Inaba, Naoyuki Iwata, Fujio Toriumi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Yu Enokibori, Kenichi Takahashi, Kenji Mase, “Constructing a Non-task-oriented Dialogue Agent using Statistical Response Method and Gamification”, International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2014.3.
  • Yuki Muramatsu, Takatsugu Hirayama and Kenji Mase, “Video Generation Method Based on User’s Tendency of Viewpoint Selection for Multi-view Video Contents”, The Fifth Augmented Human International Conference (AH 2014), 2014.3. (SCOPE, NICT)
  • Takatsugu Hirayama, Takafumi Marutani, Sidney Fels, Kenji Mase, “Analysis of Gaze Behavior while using a Multi-Viewpoint Video Viewer”, 2014 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA2014), pp.211-214, 2014.3. (SCOPE, NICT, 科研若手B_No.23700168)


  • 原健翔,平山高嗣,間瀬健二,”多視点映像におけるHough Forestsを用いた 人物行動認識と位置推定の同時処理”, MIRU 2013 第16回 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム,東京 国立情報学研究所,2013.7 (インタラクティブ採択)
  • 冨安史陽, 平山高嗣, 間瀬健二,”対応点探索とMean-Shift探索の逐次処理による特徴点追跡,” MIRU 2013 第16回 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム, (英語査読⇒インタラクティブ採択),東京 国立情報学研究所,2013.7
  • 鈴木嵩史,加藤ジェーン,ワンユ,間瀬健二,”ISFSを用いた行動認識器のドメイン適合型学習”, MIRU 2013 第16回 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム, (インタラクティブ採択決定),東京 国立情報学研究所,2013.7
  • 榎堀優, 伊藤陽脩, 平山高嗣, 間瀬健二, “姿勢変動を考慮した上体周囲長計測に基づく呼吸換気量推定”, 第23回バイオメカニズムシンポジウム, pp.139-147, 2013.7.
  • 臼井翔平, 鳥海不二夫, 平山高嗣, 間瀬健二, “情報拡散に関するネットワーク構造要素の分析”, 2013年度ネットワーク生態学研究会シンポジウム(第10回)(NetEcoSinp2013),ポスター発表, 有馬, 2013.9.
  • 森真貴,宮島千代美,平山高嗣,北岡教英,武田一哉,”視行動と運転操作行動の統合モデルによる危険な車線変更の検出”,2013年自動車技術会秋季大会,2013.10.
  • 大平隼也,平山高嗣,榎堀優,間瀬健二,”探索目標の視覚特徴分布を考慮した誘目度推定モデル”,HCGシンポジウム 2013,インタラクティブ発表,松山,2013.12.
  • 冨安史陽,村松祐希,飯田涼太郎,WangXueting,米澤朋子,平山高嗣,間瀬健二,”被写体追従視聴のための視点推薦型多視点映像視聴システム”,第17回一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2014,インタラクティブ発表(プレミアム枠),日本科学未来館,東京,2014.2.28~3.1


  • 冨安史陽, 平山高嗣, 間瀬健二, “Kalman-filter予測を用いた特徴点マッチングとMean-Shift探索の統合による広域特徴点追跡,” 研究報告コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア研究会(CVIM), vol. 2013-CVIM-188, pp. 1-8, 鳥取県, 鳥取大学, 2013.9
  • 臼井翔平,鳥海不二夫,平山高嗣,間瀬健二,”震災における情報拡散ネットワークの評価及び分析”,人工知能学会合同研究会 社会におけるAI研究会(SIG-SAI),口頭発表,神奈川県,慶應義塾大学,2013.10.
  • 村松祐希, 平山高嗣, 間瀬健二, “多視点映像における個人の視聴嗜好に即した視点画像推定手法,” 画像電子学会第267回研究会, 大阪大学, 大阪府吹田市, 2013.10.
  • 大橋勇介,榎堀優,間瀬健二,”足圧布センサを用いた路面形状判別の検討”,第40回UBI研究会,神奈川県,青山学院大学,2013.11.
  • 森祐馬,榎堀優,間瀬健二,”ウェアラブル加速度センサを用いた姿勢評価の検討”,第40回UBI研究会,神奈川県,青山学院大学,2013.11.
  • 原健翔,平山高嗣,間瀬健二,”Trend-Sensitive Hough Forestsの提案と行動検出への応用”,パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU),大阪府,大阪大学,2014.1.
  • Guanwen Zhang, Jien Kato, Yu Wang, Kenji Mase, “People Re-identification with Auxiliary Knowledge”, パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU),大阪府,大阪大学,2014.1.
  • 飯田涼太郎,間瀬健二,”サッカーにおける選手移動軌跡を用いたパスコースを作る行動の検出”,パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU),福岡県,福岡大学,2014.2.
  • 佐藤翔太,平山高嗣,間瀬健二,宮島千代美,武田一哉,”運転者の視線変化時における周辺車状況の分析 ~集中状態と注意散漫状態の差異~” ,ITS研究会(ITS),北海道,北海道大学,2014.2.
  • 藪圭輔,榎堀優,間瀬健二,”レイリー分布を用いたWi-Fi電波強度分布に基づく少数標本時位置推定”,第41回UBI研究会,神奈川県,慶応義塾大学,2014.3.


  • 朝倉淳,平山高嗣,丸谷宜史,加藤ジェーン,間瀬健二,”多視点映像の視聴履歴を用いた視点遷移予測モデルの検討”,2013年度人工知能学会全国大会(第27回)(JSAI2013),2013.6.
  • 臼井翔平, 鳥海不二夫, 松尾真人, 平山高嗣, 間瀬健二, “ネットワーク構造が情報拡散に与える影響の分析”, 2013年度人工知能学会全国大会(第27回)(JSAI2013), 2B4-NFC-02b-2,口頭発表,ポスター発表,富山国際会議場, 富山県富山市, 2013.6.
  • 壁谷勇磨,原健翔,間瀬健二.”映像特徴を用いたサッカー選手のボールタッチプレー認識” ,2014年電子情報通信学会総合大会,新潟大学,新潟県,D-12-77,2014.3.
  • 楊菲,平山高嗣,間瀬健二.”サッカー選手位置のパターン解析によるボール存在領域の推定” ,2014年電子情報通信学会総合大会,新潟大学,新潟県,D-12-14,2014.3.





  • CEATEC(幕張), 多視点映像視聴支援Webインタフェース, 2013.10.1-5.


  • 平山高嗣,”人間の内部状態を顕在化する視覚的インタラクション”,CVIM/IBISML/PRMU,2013.9.
  • Kenji Mase, “e-Coaching: Wearable and Ubiquitous Sensing for Coaching in Sports, Manufacturing Skill and Health Care”, Intel Research, 2013.5.13(SCOPE, NICT, 知の拠点)
  • Kenji Mase, “e-Coaching: Wearable and Ubiquitous Sensing for Coaching in Sports, Manufacturing Skill and Health Care”, Samsung Research, 2013.5.13(SCOPE, NICT, 知の拠点)